Race Caddy Brand Identity


Race Caddy is a new in-car device that helps racers store and protect their valuable racing gear — from helmet and gloves, to other safety equipment.

I helped develop a distinct logo and brand identity with characteristics that captures the essence of Race Caddy's innovative solution.

Working closely with Race Caddy's founder John Jodoin, we set out to develop Race Caddy's visual identity.

The first phase of the project was highly iterative around the logo design; from pen and paper, to small digital sketches. A sample of digital sketches we compared are featured below:

Design Solution

Through the discovery phase of the process, terms such as "performance," "convenient," and "light" stood out in defining the essence of the Race Caddy and the value the product provides to the target audience.

To translate the above attributes into a finalized visual form, we arrived at a sleek and minimalistic styling highlighted by a blue and charcoal color palette.

As the brand identity was complete before the product's physical prototype, we decided to create a series of "blueprint" illustrations. This was to help visualize the upcoming Race Caddy product throughout the brand's website and social media channels:

Additionally, I worked with Race Caddy's founder to create a new livery for his Idemitsu Mazda MX-5 Cup car. With this livery, the Race Caddy brand officially debuted on-track and on social media at Virginia International Raceway in August 2022:

© 2023 Alex Bialek and 1FiveFour Creative LLC. All right reserved.